Friday 29 January 2016

Regression Testing

Now coming to the specific type of testing Regression Testing -

  1. REGRESSION TESTING - Regression testing mainly look for existing features that should not impact due to any new added features in the Software. Say for an example when any feature is added in TV or any electronic device then the old functionality should not hamper due to the new thing come. Both should work parallel. Similarly when any Software  is upgraded the old features as well as the new features all should perfectly work. It should be tested perfectly that the new features did not hamper the old one. The best way to do this testing in terms of software testing is execute the old code/ build and save the output as BASE version. Now Run or execute the new code and save the output as TEST version. Now if we do a compare between the BASE, TEST result, actually we should not get any difference between the base, test except the new features. thats are solid regression testing to conduct.

Functional Testing

Now coming to the specific type of testing -

  1. FUNCTIONAL TESTING - When any feature or any new functionality is to be added for any new software that has to be tested thoroughly. These category of testing is called functional testing. As an example when any new machine (say Elevator) is going to be installed, it must have some features, like whether if we press relevant floor button it should stop in the same floors. Also if any time emergency bell switch is pressed the alarm bell should ring for rescue. Similarly as a new software when it launches or going to build, it must be having different mechanism or features, which individually or thoroughly test as per requirement.


Friday 15 January 2016

Software testing approach

    This article will give you a very basic understanding on 'How to Test any software'. Like every developed things must have some testing on them to certify that now it is safe, secure and industry standard. Any Software product also must be having some testing to install or launch in the market.
    In this section we are trying to give you a very basic understanding on different types of Software testing techniques, which will give a good understanding to any novice person how actually the things happened.
    Below are the different types of Software testing which are done.

And many more other types of testing....
Testing life cycle
    When any new software is getting developed, its all new features and functionalities are examines which are each and individual functionalities of this software, so these are called functional testing.

    During the testing of new features we need to test also the earlier features as they are not disturbed due to the new functional changes, this verification is called the Regression testing.

    Static type of testing is something like without running the software just static mode if we can find any bug/error.